Creates buffer polygons around input features to a specified distance.
Alternate tools are available for buffer operations. See the Pairwise Buffer and Graphic Buffer tool documentation for details.
You can change the coordinate system of a feature class using the Project tool, or you can set the Output Coordinate System environment before running the Buffer tool, and this coordinate system will be used when creating buffers.
When using the Planar option, you can improve the accuracy of buffers created with projected inputs using a projection that minimizes distance distortion—such as an Equidistant Conic or an Azimuthal Equidistant projection—that is geographically appropriate for the input.
If the negative buffer distance is large enough to collapse the polygon to nothing, a null geometry will be generated. A warning message will appear, and no null geometry features will be written to the output feature class.
The Side Type parameter options Left , Right , and Exclude the input polygon from buffer and the End Type parameter option Flat are only available with an Desktop Advanced license.