Approved Courses

Use the links below or scroll down to view all CAP approved courses. This catalog listing is accurate as of August 1, 2024. DegreeWorks should be consulted for the most up-to-date information since courses that satisfy CAP requirements can vary by year of admission or according to a student's major. DegreeWorks can be accessed through Porches.

First-Year Humanities
ASI 110The Roots and Development of Western Culture in a Global Context7
ASI 120The Development of Western Culture in a Global Context8
ENG 100Writing Seminar I3
ENG 100AWriting Seminar 1A2
ENG 100BWriting Seminar 1B2
ENG 114First-Year Writing Seminar3
ENG 198Honors Writing Seminar3
HST 103Introduction to Global Historical Studies3
PHL 103Introduction to Philosophy3
REL 103Introduction to Religious and Theological Studies3
Second-Year Writing Seminar
ASI 120The Development of Western Culture in a Global Context8
ENG 114First-Year Writing Seminar3
ENG 198Honors Writing Seminar3
ENG 200Writing Seminar II3
Oral Communication
CMM 100Principles of Oral Communication3
MTH 114Contemporary Mathematics3
MTH 129Calculus for Business3
MTH 148Introductory Calculus I3
MTH 168Analytic Geometry & Calculus I4
MTH 205Mathematical Concepts II3
MTH 207Introduction to Statistics3
Social Sciences
For the 2024-25 Catalog, the Executive Committee of the Academic Senate gave temporary approval for all of the courses listed as "daylighted" in the Social Sciences category. This step was taken to expand the options to fulfill the requirement, in addition to SSC 200, while the Academic Senate considers a proposal to revise the CAP Social Science component.
ANT 150Cultural Anthropology Daylighted 3
CJS 101Introduction to Criminal Justice Studies Daylighted 3
ECO 203Principles of Microeconomics Daylighted 3
ECO 204Principles of Macroeconomics Daylighted 3
POL 201The American Political System Daylighted 3
POL 202Introduction to Comparative Politics Daylighted 3
POL 214Introduction to International Relations Daylighted 3
PSY 101Introductory Psychology Daylighted 3
SOC 101Principles of Sociology Daylighted 3,4
SOC 204Modern Social Problems Daylighted 3
SOC 334Religion & Society Daylighted 3
SSC 200Social Science Integrated3
SWK 204Modern Social Problems Daylighted 3
EDT 417Theatre in Education3
EGR 308Engineering for the Performing Arts3
ENG 151Introduction to Literature3
ENG 280Introduction to Creative Writing3
ENG 302Survey of Later British Literature3
ENG 331Studies in Film3
ENG 332Studies in Literature & Film3
ENG 362Shakespeare3
MUS 110Fundamentals of Music2
MUS 115Music in Theory & Practice3
MUS 191Voice Class2
MUS 192Contemporary Diction and Literature1
MUS 195Beginning Guitar Class I1
MUS 196Group Piano I1
MUS 204Music in Concert3
MUS 205Music, Technology and Culture3
MUS 223Introduction to Music Technology3
MUS 232Integrating Music into the Curriculum3
MUS 295Beginning Guitar Class II1
MUS 309Opera as Philosophy, Music, Drama, and Film3
MUS 323Experiments in Digital Sound and Media3
MUS 327Music in Film3
MUS 330Faith Traditions in Early Music History3
MUS 362Music and Buddhism in Southeast Asia3
MUS 363Music and Faith on Stage3
MUS 365Music In Society3
MUS 390Ensembles0.5-1
MUS 491University Orchestra1
MUS 492Symphonic Wind Ensemble1
MUS 493University Chorale1
MUS 494Dayton Jazz Ensemble1
SEE 303Constructions of Place3
THR 105Theatre Appreciation3
THR 212Fashion and Costume3
THR 300Performance Practicum1-3
THR 302Stage Makeup2
THR 303Scenic Painting3
THR 304Movement for Everyone3
THR 308Engineering for the Performing Arts3
THR 310Acting for Everyone3
THR 311Design Concepts3
THR 320Voice & Movement3
THR 323Ensemble Acting3
THR 331Costume Design3
THR 341Modern Dance2
THR 344Musical & Opera Workshop1
THR 345Devising Performance3
THR 352Applied Theatre3
THR 354Kinetic Forms3
THR 361Jazz Dance1
THR 371Ballet2
THR 372Dance & Physical Theatre Styles1-3
THR 417Theatre in Education3
VAE 232Integrating Visual Culture3
VAF 104Foundation Drawing3
VAF 203Drawing Through the Process3
VAF 225Painting for Non-Majors3
VAF 231Sculpture for Non-Majors3
VAF 240Ceramics I3
VAF 242Ceramics II: Wheel Throwing3
VAH 101Introduction to the Visual Arts3
VAH 129Foundations in Art History3
VAH 201Survey of Art I3
VAH 202Survey of Art II3
VAH 203Survey of Art III3
VAP 100Darkroom Photography for Non-Majors3
VAP 101Foundation Photography3
VAP 200Digital Photography for Non-Majors3
VAR 303Scenic Painting3
VAR 333Constructions of Place3
Natural Sciences
BIO 101Life, Environment, and Society3
BIO 101LLife, Environment, and Society Laboratory1
BIO 151Concepts of Biology I: Cellular & Molecular Biology3
BIO 151LConcepts of Biology Laboratory I: Cellular & Molecular Biology1
BIO 152Concepts of Biology II: Evolution & Ecology3
BIO 152LConcepts of Biology Laboratory II: Evolution & Ecology1
CHM 101 Introductory General, Organic, and Biochemistry I3
CHM 101LIntroductory General, Organic, and Biochemistry Laboratory I1
CHM 123General Chemistry3
CHM 123LGeneral Chemistry Laboratory1
CHM 200Chemistry & Society3
CPS 149Creative Media Applications3
GEO 103Principles of Geography3
GEO 109Earth, Environment, and Society3
GEO 109LEarth, Environment, and Society Lab1
GEO 115Physical Geology3
GEO 115LPhysical Geology Laboratory1
GEO 208Environmental Geology3
GEO 208LEnvironmental Geology Laboratory1
GEO 218Geological Site Investigation for Engineers3
PHY 108Physical Science of Light & Color3
PHY 201College Physics I3
PHY 201LCollege Physics Laboratory I1
PHY 206General Physics I - Mechanics3
PHY 210LGeneral Physics Laboratory I1
SCI 190The Physical Universe3
SCI 190LThe Physical Universe Laboratory1
SCI 210The Dynamic Earth3
SCI 210LThe Dynamic Earth Laboratory1
Crossing Boundaries - Faith Traditions
CMM 357Religious Rhetoric3
CMM 359The Road to Hell: The Apocalypse in Classical and Contemporary Forms3
CMM 381Faith and Free Expression3
EDT 324Education and World Religions3
ENG 311Literature for the Common Good3
ENG 314Faith Traditions in Popular Fictions3
ENG 364The Arguments and Visual Rhetoric of Religious Traditions3
ENG 367Dante3
GLC 315Arabic Culture in the Middle East and North Africa3
GLC 320Classical Mythology3
GLC 330From Thor to Tolkien: Norse Mythology and Fantasy Literature3
GLC 345Chinese Civilization and Culture3
HST 222Mare Nostrum: The Mediterranean and its People, 500-16003
HST 260History of Pre-Modern East Asia3
HST 305Early Medieval Europe3
HST 306High and Late Medieval Europe3
HST 307Renaissance & Reformation3
HST 310History of Spain3
HST 317Silk Roads: Global History of the Medieval World3
HST 318History of Early Islamic Civilizations: From the Prophet to the Pashas3
HST 321History of France3
HST 331India: Traditions and Encounters3
HST 366History of Religion in Latin America3
HST 372History of Religion in the United States3
MUS 300World Musics and Faith Traditions3
MUS 305African-American Sacred Music3
MUS 330Faith Traditions in Early Music History3
MUS 352Understanding Sacred Music & Worship in the Local Church3
MUS 362Music and Buddhism in Southeast Asia3
MUS 363Music and Faith on Stage3
PHL 308Metaphysics in Context3
PHL 311Philosophy of Religion3
PHL 347Japanese Philosophy3
PHL 351Jewish, Christian, and Islamic Philosophy3
PHL 352Modern Philosophy3
PHL 355Asian Philosophy3
PHL 356Christian Philosophy3
PHL 360Existentialism3
PHL 365Islamic Philosophy & Culture3
PHL 366Afro-Caribbean Philosophy3
REL 207Faith Traditions: Judaism3
REL 208Faith Traditions: Islamic Religious Traditions3
REL 213The New Testament and Related Ancient Literature3
REL 214Magic, Medicine, or Miracles: Disability in the Ancient World, the Bible, and Today3
REL 244Faith Traditions: Celebrating and Living the Eucharist3
REL 250Faith Traditions: Special Topics in Religious Studies3
REL 256Faith Traditions: Prayer3
REL 261Faith Traditions: Human Rights3
REL 267Holocaust3
REL 269Faith Traditions and Care for the Earth3
REL 270Popular Culture, American Religions3
REL 277Faith Traditions: Women and Gender3
REL 307Topics in Judaism3
REL 310The Pentateuch3
REL 311The Prophets3
REL 313Topics in New Testament Studies3
REL 315The Gospels3
REL 318Studies in Paul3
REL 322Latino/Latina Religious Experiences3
REL 323History of Early Christianity3
REL 328United States Catholic Experience3
REL 329African-American Religion3
REL 333Topics in Islam3
REL 334History of Christianity II: Medieval3
REL 335History of Christianity III: Reformations and Early Modern3
REL 336History of Christianity IV: Modern and Contemporary3
REL 343Theology of Humanity, Sexuality, and Marriage3
REL 352Understanding Sacred Music in Worship in the Local Church3
REL 355Topics in Marianist Studies3
REL 358Liberation Theologies3
REL 359The Road to Hell: The Apocalypse in Classical and Contemporary Forms3
REL 371C.S. Lewis: Life and Christian Writings3
REL 372Religion & Film3
REL 374Visual and Material Cultures of Religion3
REL 379Sustaining Art and Faith3
REL 382Theories of Religion3
REL 408Islam in the Modern World3
REL 457Living as Marianist Student Communities3
VAH 450Italian Renaissance Art3
VAR 379Sustaining Art and Faith3
Crossing Boundaries - Practical Ethical Action
ANT 340Place, Culture, and Social Justice3
ASI 357Vocation & the Arts3
ASI 374Professional Ethics in a Global Community - Philosophical3
ASI 375Professional Ethics in a Global Community – Religious Studies3
CJS 303Theory and Practice of Corrections3
CJS 316Criminal Justice Ethics3
CJS 336Comparative Criminal Justice Systems3
CJS 375Restorative Justice3
CMM 337Media Ethics3
CMM 372Communication for Health Professionals3
CMM 385Dialogue, Power, and Diversity3
CMM 420Communication & Conflict Management3
EDT 305Philosophy and History of American Education3
EGR 330Engineering Design & Appropriate Technology3
EGR 331Sociotechnical Engineering for the Common Good3
EGR 351By Design3
EGR 392Engineering Research Ethics3
EGR 419Engineering Systems for the Common Good3
ENG 335African American Literature3
ENG 342Literature and the Environment3
HRS 200Introduction to Human Rights3
MIL 401Leadership Management & Staff3
MUS 302Ethics and American Popular Music3
PHL 310Social Philosophy3
PHL 312Ethics3
PHL 313Business Ethics3
PHL 314Philosophy of Law3
PHL 315Medical Ethics3
PHL 316Engineering Ethics3
PHL 317Ethics of War3
PHL 319Information Ethics3
PHL 321Environmental Ethics3
PHL 374Philosophy and the City3
PHL 377Philosophy and Mass Media3
PHL 381Sexual Ethics3
PHL 383Ethics of Scientific Research3
POL 341Power, Gender & Performance3
POL 371Environmental Policy3
RCE 301Africana Studies Theories and Methods3
RCE 303Latinx and Latin American Studies Theories and Methods3
RCE 305Indigenous Studies Theories and Methods3
REL 357Peacebuilding3
REL 363Faith & Justice3
REL 365Christian Theology and Environmental Ethics3
REL 367Christian Ethics & Health Care Issues3
REL 368Christian Ethics & the Business World3
REL 369Christian Ethics and Engineering3
SEE 402Sustainability Research II3
SOC 324Communities and Crime3
SOC 329Sex, Crime, and Law3
SOC 331Marriages & Families3
SOC 333Sociology of Sexualities3
SOC 350Art and Social Practice3
SOC 352Community3
SOC 375Feminist Social Change3
SOC 380Health and Inequality3
SPN 349Revolt and Change in Latin American and Latinx Communities3
SWK 331Death, Dying and Suicide3
SWK 370Advocacy Practice in Social Work3
SWK 380Health and Inequality3
THR 204Hip-Hop Culture and Dance3
THR 352Applied Theatre3
THR 380Power, Gender & Performance3
VAR 315Visual Ethics3
VAR 350Art and Social Practice3
WGS 310Feminist Theory and Methodology3
WGS 350Feminist Social Change3
Crossing Boundaries - Inquiry
To fulfill the Inquiry component, students must select a course outside their own discipline/academic unit. Students should consult DegreeWorks for the list of courses that would fulfill the requirement, based on their major/academic unit.
ACC 200Introduction to Accounting3
ANT 150Cultural Anthropology3
ANT 306Culture & Power3
ANT 315Language & Culture3
CEE 467Sustainable Water and Waste Infrastructure3
CMM 349Documentary Theory3
CMM 356Argumentation and Advocacy3
ECO 203Principles of Microeconomics3
ECO 204Principles of Macroeconomics3
EDT 322Perspectives on Education and Social Justice3
ENG 318Detective Fiction3
ENG 326Sport, Literature & Culture3
ENG 336Gender and Fiction3
ENG 341Asian American Literature3
ENG 346Literature & Human Rights3
ENG 362Shakespeare3
ENG 372Business and Professional Writing3
ENG 373Writing in the Health Professions3
ENG 375Writing for the Web3
ENG 381Psychoanalysis, Literature, and Film3
ENG 383History and Philosophy of Tragedy3
ENG 431Milton3
FLM 201Introduction to Film3
GEO 103Principles of Geography3
GEO 208Environmental Geology3
GEO 218Geological Site Investigation for Engineers3
GEO 450Applied Geographic Information Systems4
GEO 451Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for Human Rights4
GLC 313Soviet and Russian Film3
GLC 322History and Philosophy of Tragedy3
GLC 331Fairy Tales3
GLC 337Green Germany, Sustainability and Environmental Justice3
GLC 346The Language of Food in East Asia3
HRS 329Genocide, Mass Atrocity and Transitional Justice3
HRS 451Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for Human Rights4
HSS 206Fundamentals of Human Anatomy and Physiology3
HSS 384Food Justice3
HST 251American History to 18653
HST 252American History Since 18653
HST 299Historical Background to Contemporary Issues3
HST 304Ancient History & Modern Ideology3
HST 328Tolstoy's Russia3
HST 344The Automobile and American Life3
HST 346History of American Aviation3
HST 363The Wealth of Nations: A History of Economic Thought3
HST 365American Films as History3
HST 368The Soviet Experiment: From Lenin to Putin3
HST 375History of US Foreign Relations Since 17503
HST 376Social & Cultural History of the United States3
HST 394Animal History: A Global History of Human-Animal Relations3
MIL 301Leading Small Organizations I3
MKT 300Survey of Marketing3
MTH 207Introduction to Statistics3
MUS 115Music in Theory & Practice3
MUS 204Music in Concert3
MUS 223Introduction to Music Technology3
MUS 232Integrating Music into the Curriculum3
MUS 304The Practice of American Music3
MUS 327Music in Film3
PHL 301Practical Logic3
PHL 302Symbolic Logic3
PHL 304Philosophy of Human Nature3
PHL 326History and Philosophy of Tragedy3
PHL 329Genocide, Mass Atrocity and Transitional Justice3
PHL 330Philosophy of Science3
PHL 335Philosophy of Sustainability3
PHL 361Philosophies of Change in U.S. History3
PHY 232The Physics of Waves3
REL 375Religion & Science3
REL 380The Masters of Suspicion: Marx, Nietzsche, and Freud on Religion3
SEE 301Earth Systems & Global Climate Change3
SEE 322Cities and Suburbs: Urban Sustainability3
SOC 310Perspectives on Education and Social Justice3
SOC 384Food Justice3
SPN 340Advanced Spanish Grammar and Syntax3
THR 105Theatre Appreciation3
THR 212Fashion and Costume3
THR 304Movement for Everyone3
THR 310Acting for Everyone3
VAE 232Integrating Visual Culture3
VAF 230Anatomy Drawing for Non-Majors3
VAP 101Foundation Photography3
Crossing Boundaries - Integrative
ANT 210Making of Modern South Asia3
ANT 336Topics in Medical Anthropology3
ANT 350Anthropology of Tourism3
ANT 352Cultures of Latin America3
ASI 495Integrative Capstone Project, India Program3
BIO 362Bioessentialism and Constructions of Bodies3
CJS 340American Violence3
CJS 360Anti-Human Trafficking Advocacy3
CME 381Applied Mathematics for Chemical Engineers3
CMM 316Intercultural Communication3
CMM 345Classic American Film3
CMM 355Rhetoric of Social Movements3
CMM 410Family Communication3
CMM 411Health Communication3
CMM 432Media Law3
CMM 447Children and Mass Media3
CMM 453Communication and Cybersecurity3
CMM 471Communication and Digital Literacy3
CPS 450Design and Analysis of Algorithms3
DST 100Foundations of Disability Studies3
ECE 215Introduction to Digital Systems3
ECE 420The Internet of Things3
ECO 435Economics of the Environment3
ECO 460Economic Development & Growth3
EDT 303School, Self and Society3
EDT 340Educating Diverse Student Populations in Inclusive Settings3
EDT 417Theatre in Education3
EDT 466TESOL Methods for Teaching English Language Learners3
EGR 308Engineering for the Performing Arts3
EGR 374Sustainable Energy Analysis and Economics3
ENG 307Varieties of English3
ENG 313Social Justice & Dramatic Literature3
ENG 321Reading Popular Music3
ENG 339American Indian Literature3
ENG 340US Prison Literature and Culture3
ENG 349Children's Literature and Culture3
ENG 360US Latinx Literature3
ENG 366Health Literacy and Social Justice3
ENG 374Visual/Material Rhetoric3
ENG 392Writing for Grants and Non-Profits3
ENG 396Love & LGBTQ+ Literature3
ENG 408Social Media3
ENG 466TESOL Methods for Teaching English Language Learners3
ENG 469History of Writing & Literate Cultures3
GEO 420The Internet of Things3
GLC 310Post-Soviet Popular Cultures3
GLC 312Witches, Demons and Madness—Gogol’s Ukrainian Tales of the Macabre3
GLC 334Immigrants, Refugees, and National Images: German-American Relations3
GLC 335Gender, Sexuality & the Holocaust3
GLC 336Nazi Cinema and Mass Manipulation in the Third Reich3
GLC 338The Holocaust in Literature, Film & Culture3
GLC 340The French-Speaking World through Cinema3
GLC 341Pop Culture in the French-Speaking World: Street Art, Comics, Music, and Beyond3
GLC 347Latin/x America and Performing Human Rights3
GLC 360US Latinx Literature3
HRS 360Anti-Human Trafficking Advocacy3
HRS 375Moral Courage Project3
HRS 392Human Rights and Development in Africa3
HSS 295Nutrition & Health3
HSS 354Global Sport, Culture, & Business3
HSS 360Sport and Bodies3
HST 210Making of Modern South Asia3
HST 309Dangerous Work and Disaster Capitalism3
HST 319The British Empire3
HST 322England and Its "Worlds"3
HST 329Americans and the Middle East3
HST 337History of Africa - 19th Century to the Present3
HST 342Environmental History3
HST 343History of Civil Engineering3
HST 355American Urban History3
HST 389The Italian Diaspora: History and Culture3
HST 395Climate History: A Global History of the Human-Climate Interface3
HST 396History of South Africa: From Prehistory to Present3
HST 397Black Women in America3
HST 398African American History before 18773
IET 317Industrial Economic & Financial Analysis3
IET 408Lean Management and Six Sigma3
INS 336United Nations System: Theory and Practice3
ISE 408Lean Management and Six Sigma3
MEE 205Mechatronics3
MGT 490Strategic Management3
MIL 402Applied Leadership & Management3
MIS 365Protecting Personal Information Resources in an Interconnected World3
MUS 205Music, Technology and Culture3
MUS 301Understanding Music History in the West3
MUS 309Opera as Philosophy, Music, Drama, and Film3
MUS 315Music, Gender and Sexuality3
MUS 323Experiments in Digital Sound and Media3
PHL 309Philosophy of Mind3
PHL 320Philosophy of Art3
PHL 323Philosophy & Literature3
PHL 324Philosophy & Film3
PHL 325Philosophy of Music3
PHL 331Science, Values & Society3
PHL 333Philosophy & Cognitive Science3
POL 307Policy, Administration, & Regulation3
POL 309Health Policy3
POL 336United Nations System: Theory and Practice3
POL 340Gender, Women’s Rights and Global Politics3
POL 355Media and Democracy3
POL 375Moral Courage Project3
POL 381Film & Politics3
POL 391The Politics of International Economic Relations3
POL 392Human Rights and Development in Africa3
POL 426Leadership in Building Communities3
RCE 310Standing Rock: Sovereignty and Indigenous Rights3
REL 376Theology & the Social Sciences3
REL 425Augustine3
REL 443The Sacraments3
SEE 250Introduction to Sustainability, Energy & the Environment3
SEE 401Sustainability Research I3
SOC 328Racial & Ethnic Relations3
SOC 330Perspectives on Aging3
SOC 332Gender and Society3
SOC 339Social Inequality3
SOC 342Social Movements3
SOC 353Internet Community3
SOC 360Sport and Bodies3
SOC 362Bioessentialism and Constructions of Bodies3
SOC 371Sociology of Human Rights3
SOC 394Popular Culture3
SPN 326Spanish for the Health Professions3
SPN 342Latin American Culture & Civilization3
SPN 346Performing Human Rights in Latin/x America3
SPN 348The Hispanophone Caribbean3
SPN 363Survey of Latin American Literature I3
SPN 364Survey of Latin American Literature II3
SPN 387Sustainability in Spanish3
SWK 307Mental Health Services3
SWK 330Perspectives on Aging3
THR 250Diversity in Creative & Performing Arts3
THR 308Engineering for the Performing Arts3
THR 313Social Justice & Dramatic Literature3
THR 315Inclusive Dance Studies3
THR 417Theatre in Education3
VAH 310History of Art and Activism3
VAH 320Latin American Art3
VAH 330Arts of Asia3
VAH 483PostColonial and Global Art Histories3
VAR 210Visual Journal3
VAR 250Diversity in Creative & Performing Arts3
VAR 330Comparative Visual Culture in Film3
WGS 250Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies3
WGS 351Global South Feminisms3
Advanced Religious Studies
ASI 357Vocation & the Arts3
ASI 375Professional Ethics in a Global Community – Religious Studies3
CMM 357Religious Rhetoric3
CMM 359The Road to Hell: The Apocalypse in Classical and Contemporary Forms3
EDT 324Education and World Religions3
EGR 351By Design3
ENG 364The Arguments and Visual Rhetoric of Religious Traditions3
ENG 367Dante3
ENG 431Milton3
MUS 300World Musics and Faith Traditions3
MUS 305African-American Sacred Music3
MUS 330Faith Traditions in Early Music History3
MUS 352Understanding Sacred Music & Worship in the Local Church3
MUS 363Music and Faith on Stage3
REL 208Faith Traditions: Islamic Religious Traditions3
REL 213The New Testament and Related Ancient Literature3
REL 244Faith Traditions: Celebrating and Living the Eucharist3
REL 250Faith Traditions: Special Topics in Religious Studies3
REL 256Faith Traditions: Prayer3
REL 261Faith Traditions: Human Rights3
REL 269Faith Traditions and Care for the Earth3
REL 270Popular Culture, American Religions3
REL 307Topics in Judaism3
REL 310The Pentateuch3
REL 311The Prophets3
REL 313Topics in New Testament Studies3
REL 315The Gospels3
REL 318Studies in Paul3
REL 322Latino/Latina Religious Experiences3
REL 323History of Early Christianity3
REL 328United States Catholic Experience3
REL 329African-American Religion3
REL 333Topics in Islam3
REL 334History of Christianity II: Medieval3
REL 335History of Christianity III: Reformations and Early Modern3
REL 336History of Christianity IV: Modern and Contemporary3
REL 343Theology of Humanity, Sexuality, and Marriage3
REL 352Understanding Sacred Music in Worship in the Local Church3
REL 355Topics in Marianist Studies3
REL 357Peacebuilding3
REL 358Liberation Theologies3
REL 359The Road to Hell: The Apocalypse in Classical and Contemporary Forms3
REL 363Faith & Justice3
REL 365Christian Theology and Environmental Ethics3
REL 367Christian Ethics & Health Care Issues3
REL 368Christian Ethics & the Business World3
REL 369Christian Ethics and Engineering3
REL 371C.S. Lewis: Life and Christian Writings3
REL 372Religion & Film3
REL 374Visual and Material Cultures of Religion3
REL 375Religion & Science3
REL 376Theology & the Social Sciences3
REL 379Sustaining Art and Faith3
REL 380The Masters of Suspicion: Marx, Nietzsche, and Freud on Religion3
REL 382Theories of Religion3
REL 408Islam in the Modern World3
REL 425Augustine3
REL 443The Sacraments3
REL 457Living as Marianist Student Communities3
VAH 450Italian Renaissance Art3
VAR 379Sustaining Art and Faith3
Advanced Philosophical Studies
ASI 374Professional Ethics in a Global Community - Philosophical3
CJS 316Criminal Justice Ethics3
CMM 337Media Ethics3
EDT 305Philosophy and History of American Education3
ENG 383History and Philosophy of Tragedy3
GLC 322History and Philosophy of Tragedy3
HRS 329Genocide, Mass Atrocity and Transitional Justice3
PHL 301Practical Logic3
PHL 304Philosophy of Human Nature3
PHL 307Philosophy and Feminist Thought3
PHL 308Metaphysics in Context3
PHL 309Philosophy of Mind3
PHL 310Social Philosophy3
PHL 311Philosophy of Religion3
PHL 312Ethics3
PHL 313Business Ethics3
PHL 314Philosophy of Law3
PHL 315Medical Ethics3
PHL 316Engineering Ethics3
PHL 317Ethics of War3
PHL 319Information Ethics3
PHL 320Philosophy of Art3
PHL 321Environmental Ethics3
PHL 323Philosophy & Literature3
PHL 324Philosophy & Film3
PHL 325Philosophy of Music3
PHL 326History and Philosophy of Tragedy3
PHL 329Genocide, Mass Atrocity and Transitional Justice3
PHL 330Philosophy of Science3
PHL 331Science, Values & Society3
PHL 333Philosophy & Cognitive Science3
PHL 335Philosophy of Sustainability3
PHL 341Hip Hop and Philosophy3
PHL 342Latina Philosophy3
PHL 347Japanese Philosophy3
PHL 350Classical Greek Philosophy3
PHL 351Jewish, Christian, and Islamic Philosophy3
PHL 352Modern Philosophy3
PHL 355Asian Philosophy3
PHL 356Christian Philosophy3
PHL 360Existentialism3
PHL 361Philosophies of Change in U.S. History3
PHL 363African Philosophy3
PHL 364Race, Gender and Philosophy3
PHL 365Islamic Philosophy & Culture3
PHL 366Afro-Caribbean Philosophy3
PHL 370Political Philosophy3
PHL 371Philosophy & Human Rights3
PHL 374Philosophy and the City3
PHL 377Philosophy and Mass Media3
PHL 379Latin American Philosophy3
PHL 381Sexual Ethics3
PHL 383Ethics of Scientific Research3
RCE 305Indigenous Studies Theories and Methods3
SEE 401Sustainability Research I3
SEE 402Sustainability Research II3
VAR 315Visual Ethics3
Advanced Historical Studies
ANT 210Making of Modern South Asia3
ASI 120The Development of Western Culture in a Global Context8
CMM 350History and Analysis of Propaganda3
CMM 436Radical Press in the U.S.3
ENG 374Visual/Material Rhetoric3
ENG 469History of Writing & Literate Cultures3
HST 210Making of Modern South Asia3
HST 220Survey of Ancient History3
HST 222Mare Nostrum: The Mediterranean and its People, 500-16003
HST 251American History to 18653
HST 252American History Since 18653
HST 260History of Pre-Modern East Asia3
HST 280Making of the Modern Middle East3
HST 299Historical Background to Contemporary Issues3
HST 302Identity in Ancient Greece3
HST 303Roman Imperial Rule3
HST 304Ancient History & Modern Ideology3
HST 305Early Medieval Europe3
HST 306High and Late Medieval Europe3
HST 307Renaissance & Reformation3
HST 309Dangerous Work and Disaster Capitalism3
HST 310History of Spain3
HST 312Age of Democratic Revolutions3
HST 314Modern Europe in Decline 1900-19453
HST 317Silk Roads: Global History of the Medieval World3
HST 318History of Early Islamic Civilizations: From the Prophet to the Pashas3
HST 319The British Empire3
HST 321History of France3
HST 322England and Its "Worlds"3
HST 323Cities and Energy3
HST 328Tolstoy's Russia3
HST 329Americans and the Middle East3
HST 331India: Traditions and Encounters3
HST 332History of Modern East Asia3
HST 334History of the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict3
HST 336History of Africa I: Pre-history to the 19th Century3
HST 337History of Africa - 19th Century to the Present3
HST 339Gandhi, Non Violence and Resistance around the World3
HST 342Environmental History3
HST 343History of Civil Engineering3
HST 344The Automobile and American Life3
HST 345The European Holocaust3
HST 346History of American Aviation3
HST 350LGBTQ History: Comparative European and USA3
HST 351American Gender & Women's History to 18703
HST 352US Gender and Women's History 1870-the present3
HST 355American Urban History3
HST 356History of Transnational Feminism3
HST 357Modern Latin America3
HST 358Social & Cultural History of Latin America3
HST 359History of American City Planning3
HST 363The Wealth of Nations: A History of Economic Thought3
HST 365American Films as History3
HST 366History of Religion in Latin America3
HST 368The Soviet Experiment: From Lenin to Putin3
HST 372History of Religion in the United States3
HST 375History of US Foreign Relations Since 17503
HST 376Social & Cultural History of the United States3
HST 377Contemporary American History3
HST 378Global Immigration History3
HST 379History of Food4
HST 382History of Mexico3
HST 383History of the Caribbean3
HST 386China in Revolution3
HST 389The Italian Diaspora: History and Culture3
HST 390History of Human Rights3
HST 394Animal History: A Global History of Human-Animal Relations3
HST 395Climate History: A Global History of the Human-Climate Interface3
HST 396History of South Africa: From Prehistory to Present3
HST 397Black Women in America3
HST 398African American History before 18773
HST 399African American History Since 18773
MUS 301Understanding Music History in the West3
SEE 323Cities and Energy3
THR 425Theatre Theory & History3
VAH 320Latin American Art3
VAH 382History of Photography I3
VAH 483PostColonial and Global Art Histories3
Diversity and Social Justice
ANT 150Cultural Anthropology3
ANT 210Making of Modern South Asia3
ANT 306Culture & Power3
ANT 315Language & Culture3
ANT 336Topics in Medical Anthropology3
ANT 340Place, Culture, and Social Justice3
ANT 350Anthropology of Tourism3
ANT 352Cultures of Latin America3
BIO 362Bioessentialism and Constructions of Bodies3
CEE 467Sustainable Water and Waste Infrastructure3
CJS 303Theory and Practice of Corrections3
CJS 316Criminal Justice Ethics3
CJS 336Comparative Criminal Justice Systems3
CJS 375Restorative Justice3
CMM 316Intercultural Communication3
CMM 349Documentary Theory3
CMM 355Rhetoric of Social Movements3
CMM 385Dialogue, Power, and Diversity3
CMM 415Gender and Communication3
CMM 419Communicating Health Disparities3
CMM 464International Public Relations3
DST 100Foundations of Disability Studies3
EDT 222Middle Childhood to Young Adult Development in a Diverse Society3
EDT 322Perspectives on Education and Social Justice3
EDT 340Educating Diverse Student Populations in Inclusive Settings3
EDT 466TESOL Methods for Teaching English Language Learners3
EGR 330Engineering Design & Appropriate Technology3
EGR 331Sociotechnical Engineering for the Common Good3
EGR 351By Design3
EGR 374Sustainable Energy Analysis and Economics3
EGR 419Engineering Systems for the Common Good3
ENG 307Varieties of English3
ENG 311Literature for the Common Good3
ENG 313Social Justice & Dramatic Literature3
ENG 333Images of Women in Literature3
ENG 335African American Literature3
ENG 336Gender and Fiction3
ENG 339American Indian Literature3
ENG 340US Prison Literature and Culture3
ENG 341Asian American Literature3
ENG 342Literature and the Environment3
ENG 346Literature & Human Rights3
ENG 360US Latinx Literature3
ENG 366Health Literacy and Social Justice3
ENG 396Love & LGBTQ+ Literature3
ENG 466TESOL Methods for Teaching English Language Learners3
ENG 469History of Writing & Literate Cultures3
FIN 200Finance for the Common Good3
GEO 451Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for Human Rights4
GLC 310Post-Soviet Popular Cultures3
GLC 311Poetry of Resistance and Emerging Feminism under Stalin3
GLC 312Witches, Demons and Madness—Gogol’s Ukrainian Tales of the Macabre3
GLC 313Soviet and Russian Film3
GLC 315Arabic Culture in the Middle East and North Africa3
GLC 320Classical Mythology3
GLC 330From Thor to Tolkien: Norse Mythology and Fantasy Literature3
GLC 331Fairy Tales3
GLC 334Immigrants, Refugees, and National Images: German-American Relations3
GLC 335Gender, Sexuality & the Holocaust3
GLC 336Nazi Cinema and Mass Manipulation in the Third Reich3
GLC 337Green Germany, Sustainability and Environmental Justice3
GLC 338The Holocaust in Literature, Film & Culture3
GLC 340The French-Speaking World through Cinema3
GLC 341Pop Culture in the French-Speaking World: Street Art, Comics, Music, and Beyond3
GLC 345Chinese Civilization and Culture3
GLC 346The Language of Food in East Asia3
GLC 347Latin/x America and Performing Human Rights3
GLC 360US Latinx Literature3
HRS 200Introduction to Human Rights3
HRS 392Human Rights and Development in Africa3
HRS 451Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for Human Rights4
HSS 217Community Health3
HSS 302Community Nutrition3
HSS 354Global Sport, Culture, & Business3
HSS 360Sport and Bodies3
HSS 384Food Justice3
HST 210Making of Modern South Asia3
HST 220Survey of Ancient History3
HST 280Making of the Modern Middle East3
HST 302Identity in Ancient Greece3
HST 303Roman Imperial Rule3
HST 309Dangerous Work and Disaster Capitalism3
HST 312Age of Democratic Revolutions3
HST 321History of France3
HST 323Cities and Energy3
HST 329Americans and the Middle East3
HST 332History of Modern East Asia3
HST 334History of the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict3
HST 336History of Africa I: Pre-history to the 19th Century3
HST 337History of Africa - 19th Century to the Present3
HST 339Gandhi, Non Violence and Resistance around the World3
HST 345The European Holocaust3
HST 350LGBTQ History: Comparative European and USA3
HST 351American Gender & Women's History to 18703
HST 352US Gender and Women's History 1870-the present3
HST 355American Urban History3
HST 356History of Transnational Feminism3
HST 357Modern Latin America3
HST 358Social & Cultural History of Latin America3
HST 359History of American City Planning3
HST 363The Wealth of Nations: A History of Economic Thought3
HST 366History of Religion in Latin America3
HST 372History of Religion in the United States3
HST 377Contemporary American History3
HST 378Global Immigration History3
HST 379History of Food4
HST 382History of Mexico3
HST 383History of the Caribbean3
HST 386China in Revolution3
HST 389The Italian Diaspora: History and Culture3
HST 390History of Human Rights3
HST 396History of South Africa: From Prehistory to Present3
HST 397Black Women in America3
HST 398African American History before 18773
HST 399African American History Since 18773
MIL 302Leading Small Organizations II3
MUS 302Ethics and American Popular Music3
MUS 304The Practice of American Music3
MUS 305African-American Sacred Music3
MUS 315Music, Gender and Sexuality3
PHL 307Philosophy and Feminist Thought3
PHL 310Social Philosophy3
PHL 331Science, Values & Society3
PHL 341Hip Hop and Philosophy3
PHL 342Latina Philosophy3
PHL 361Philosophies of Change in U.S. History3
PHL 363African Philosophy3
PHL 364Race, Gender and Philosophy3
PHL 366Afro-Caribbean Philosophy3
PHL 370Political Philosophy3
PHL 371Philosophy & Human Rights3
PHL 374Philosophy and the City3
PHL 379Latin American Philosophy3
POL 309Health Policy3
POL 340Gender, Women’s Rights and Global Politics3
POL 341Power, Gender & Performance3
POL 392Human Rights and Development in Africa3
POL 426Leadership in Building Communities3
PSY 341Social Psychology3
PSY 390Forensic Psychology3
PSY 443Women, Gender, and Psychology3
RCE 200Introduction to Race and Ethnic Studies3
RCE 301Africana Studies Theories and Methods3
RCE 303Latinx and Latin American Studies Theories and Methods3
RCE 305Indigenous Studies Theories and Methods3
RCE 310Standing Rock: Sovereignty and Indigenous Rights3
REL 207Faith Traditions: Judaism3
REL 208Faith Traditions: Islamic Religious Traditions3
REL 214Magic, Medicine, or Miracles: Disability in the Ancient World, the Bible, and Today3
REL 256Faith Traditions: Prayer3
REL 261Faith Traditions: Human Rights3
REL 267Holocaust3
REL 270Popular Culture, American Religions3
REL 277Faith Traditions: Women and Gender3
REL 322Latino/Latina Religious Experiences3
REL 328United States Catholic Experience3
REL 329African-American Religion3
REL 358Liberation Theologies3
REL 369Christian Ethics and Engineering3
REL 408Islam in the Modern World3
SEE 322Cities and Suburbs: Urban Sustainability3
SEE 323Cities and Energy3
SOC 310Perspectives on Education and Social Justice3
SOC 324Communities and Crime3
SOC 328Racial & Ethnic Relations3
SOC 329Sex, Crime, and Law3
SOC 330Perspectives on Aging3
SOC 331Marriages & Families3
SOC 332Gender and Society3
SOC 333Sociology of Sexualities3
SOC 339Social Inequality3
SOC 342Social Movements3
SOC 350Art and Social Practice3
SOC 352Community3
SOC 360Sport and Bodies3
SOC 362Bioessentialism and Constructions of Bodies3
SOC 371Sociology of Human Rights3
SOC 375Feminist Social Change3
SOC 380Health and Inequality3
SOC 384Food Justice3
SOC 394Popular Culture3
SPN 326Spanish for the Health Professions3
SPN 342Latin American Culture & Civilization3
SPN 346Performing Human Rights in Latin/x America3
SPN 348The Hispanophone Caribbean3
SPN 349Revolt and Change in Latin American and Latinx Communities3
SPN 363Survey of Latin American Literature I3
SPN 364Survey of Latin American Literature II3
SPN 387Sustainability in Spanish3
SPN 415Advanced Spanish Conversation I: Current Events in Spain3
SWK 307Mental Health Services3
SWK 330Perspectives on Aging3
SWK 370Advocacy Practice in Social Work3
SWK 380Health and Inequality3
THR 204Hip-Hop Culture and Dance3
THR 250Diversity in Creative & Performing Arts3
THR 313Social Justice & Dramatic Literature3
THR 315Inclusive Dance Studies3
THR 380Power, Gender & Performance3
VAH 310History of Art and Activism3
VAH 320Latin American Art3
VAH 382History of Photography I3
VAH 483PostColonial and Global Art Histories3
VAR 250Diversity in Creative & Performing Arts3
VAR 330Comparative Visual Culture in Film3
VAR 350Art and Social Practice3
WGS 250Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies3
WGS 310Feminist Theory and Methodology3
WGS 350Feminist Social Change3
WGS 351Global South Feminisms3
Major Capstone or Course Experience
ACC 408Advanced Financial Accounting3
ASI 495Integrative Capstone Project, India Program3
BIO 420Biology Capstone Seminar1
CEE 450Civil Engineering Design3
CHM 490Seminar IV1
CJS 409Senior Capstone3
CME 466LChemical Engineering Unit Operations Laboratory2
CMM 491Communication Vocation Capstone1
CPS 490Capstone I3
CPS 491Capstone II3
ECE 432LMultidisciplinary Design II3
ECO 490Senior Seminar in Applied Economics3
ECT 490Senior Project3
EDT 416Early Childhood Education Capstone Seminar3
EDT 423Middle Childhood/Middle Childhood Intervention Specialist Capstone Seminar3
EDT 436Adolescent to Young Adult Capstone Seminar3
EDT 439EAS Capstone3
EDT 483Grades PK-5 Education Capstone Seminar3
EDT 484Intervention Specialist Capstone Seminar0-3
ENG 499Capstone3
FIN 401Finance Capstone: Advanced Financial Analysis3
FIN 460Investments II3
GEO 303Field Geology6
GEO 498Geological Research and Thesis3
GER 480Senior Capstone0
GNS 480Senior Capstone0-3
HRS 497Capstone Seminar in Human Rights Studies3
HSS 439Professional Seminar in Dietetics2
HSS 444Sport and Wellness Seminar2
HSS 450HSS Capstone1-3
HSS 465Health Science Seminar1
HST 498History Capstone Seminar3
IET 490Senior Project3
INS 499Senior Capstone Seminar3
LNG 495The Language Major in Professional Careers1
MCT 490Senior Project3
MED 480Pre-Medicine Capstone0-1
MEE 432LMultidisciplinary Design II3
MGT 410Senior Seminar in Management3
MGT 430Senior Seminar in Entrepreneurship3
MIS 475MIS Project II-Design & Implementation in Teams3
MKT 455Marketing Research II3
MTH 480Mathematics Capstone1
MUS 450Degree Recital0
MUS 481Capstone Project & Presentation1
NSG 408BSN Capstone3
OPS 495Capstone Operations & Supply Management Project II5
PHL 480Senior Capstone0
PHY 480Physics Capstone1
POL 498Political Science and Vocation0
POL 499Political Science Capstone3
PSY 471History of Psychology3
PSY 478Honors Thesis Project3
PSY 480Senior Seminar in Psychology3
PSY 496Capstone Special Topics in Psychology3
PSY 499Independent Research Capstone3
RCE 490Capstone in Race and Ethnic Studies3
REL 490Capstone Seminar3
SEE 402Sustainability Research II3
SOC 409Senior Project Capstone3
THR 499Creating New Works3
VAD 499Portfolio and Paper - Graphic Design3
VAE 498Senior Research and Portfolio3
VAF 499Senior Thesis/Professional Seminar II3
VAH 485Art History Seminar3
VAP 499Senior/Professional Seminar II - Photography3
VAR 497Senior Project Seminar, Presentation and Paper3
WGS 490Senior Seminar in Women's & Gender Studies3

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Dayton, Ohio 45469